Hello everyone! My name is Marina and you're reading MyDIYtifuLife :)
Yeeeah, I just did that intro a thing and now it's going to be in every blog post as well! Today I'm here to do a little rambling about a lot of staff, so this is just me venting.
Sooo, today was my 'last' day of filming for my first mini series of Christmas videos. I planned and filmed three Christmas decoration videos in advanced because I'm taking an important, language certification related exam at the end of November, so I need to have some vids to upload!
Although yesterday I was so stressed and things didn't work for me as planned, thanks to my boyfriend who always copes with me & my dumbness, I was able to got a lot of good footage. Today I put myself together, took a deep breath and decided that I wouldn't freak out. And everything worked sooooo good. I'm really, REALLY happy with how everything turned out, I've found out how to film with proper, natural lighting in my room even! So... be expecting some experimental makeup tutorials for this Christmas season!
Because YES, Christmas has officially started in my room, my channel and my mind. I'm so ready for this!! So here's a mini haul with a couple of things that my lovely mom got me yesterday - they scream Christmas to me! I don't know if it's because I'm obsessed, but... whatever!
I'm a sucker for anything Baby Lips related, so when I heard that these were being released on my country I knew for a fact that I was going to get at least one - they're just the cutest thing ever! It's just a lip balm, but with a round, more-EOS-looking shape. They're meant to go on your cheeks too, but I'm afraid I won't dare to use it as a blush because I don't wanna cause any breakouts!
And the lipstick... I was trying not to get it, because since these vampy, dark shades are my favorite I have quite a few similar ones to Divine Wine. But the formula is so mousturizing and the lipstick look so matte and gorgeous when you swatch it that I couldn't resist!! #sorrynotsorry
Oh, and as you can see, I did some cute design on my nails. I love me some roses :)
And yees, I may or may not be inspired by these ornaments I designed for one of my videos :P
Sooo, with this picture of me trying so hard to look glamorous, I gotta say goodbye! I'm really enjoying applying plummy eyeshadows on my crease lately, because I recently found out that those shades make stand out my dark, hazelnut eye color. But that's another story - I'll tell more about that in an upcoming video maybe!! :)
Thank you so much for reading (if you have, if not... ¬¬) xoxo